Auth Algorithm and use of custom fields in auth form

Hi everyone,
Can you please share the encryption method used by default for the user password hashes. I need to know this so that I can verify the hashes even if I need to move to another provider in future.

It doesn’t seem to be pure sha256
here the password is password
and the hash is sha256|17|73TGxuWxbHpZUQxrJ5fpDQ==|+M2C7nIjY5k6a4v05iUGzCw7T1yBlwKoG9892kcY7Fg=

while the sha256 hash for password is 5e884898da28047151d0e56f8dc6292773603d0d6aabbdd62a11ef721d1542d8

Secondly, I want to store additional fields during the signup flow like first and last name, consent to receive emails and so on, what’d be the best way to achieve this.

In my current setup, I’ve the default table users and a new table profiles which stores the consent flag, first_name, last_name. and am yet to figure out how to update this when the user signs up.

Thanks in advance,